As many of you know, we are taking 20 laptops to China to donate to orphans there ... we will hand them over to the artists we work with on May 12, and we are really looking forward to a great reunion with them. The laptops are for older orphans to learn computer skills, so that when they must leave the orphanage they have a better chance of getting a job. More later on our time with the artists ... and on the laptops.
Here is a photo of Cyrus and Maya with just some of our suitcases!
FANTASTIC !I saw all 10 suitcases packed and closed. I know that it will be a trip of a life time. Stay well and calm and I will miss youevery day that you are gone. See you at 11:35 am, May 19th.
All my Love, Mom/Karin/Grandma Karin
Remember to drink lots of water going and coming. Makes travel less stressful..
And always try to order: 1 from column A,and 1 from column B
Robert, Stephanie and family - We enjoyed being a part of Ella's new beginning with your family as we explored your informative blog. We are excited for you all and look forward to meeting Ella when you arrive home. Blessings as you travel and enjoy the land of your two girls. The Subletts
Blessings on you from the Rowlands and Jonny G. We rejoice with you and little Ella ( a great name like my niece who is fondly called Ella Bella). We look forward to seeing you all and meeting the ultimate Eggroll.
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