Today we took our first family photo at the White Swan Hotel, in front of a waterfall. This photo is not actually the first ... the one just before this one had Cyrus doing something strange with his hands.
We went swimming today at our hotel pool, which is uniformly too deep for our kids to play in, as well as being in direct sunlight at every hour of the day (it's on the roof). Also the railing around the rooftop is short and the rails are really far apart ... we stayed for about 15 minutes, just enough time to take some photos.
The photo of the kids posing with a statue is just one example of many we have taken. There are several of these statues all around our hotel, some on the way to breakfast every morning, and the kids love to pose with them. As Robert said, we could have a second blog devoted to statue photos. Don't worry, we're not going to do that.
You might be wondering about Jasper and the parasol. Robert got one for Maya, and Jasper started begging for one, too. Turns out he wanted to use it to play Gun. So I guess it is a gun.
A quick story .. we just ate with Jeff and Kenna Jasper, during which Robert discovered that Jeff is also a Bears fan ...! He got so excited. You can imagine. The two of them started talking about football. Robert was also feeding Ella congee (watery rice with minced chicken) as they talked. I'm sure you can guess what happened next. The next thing we know, Ella has a spoonful of rice gruel on top of her head. Robert was trying to put the spoon in her mouth without actually having to turn and look at her. Lucky she didn't seem to notice.
It's 8 pm, time for the struggle to stay awake until 9 and then to stay asleep past 5 am. So far the staying awake is okay, but Robert and I are both still waking up far too early. At least the kids are adjusted.
It doesn't look like you are having ANY fun at all. I can see Robert losing concentration in a dialog about the "Bears". Now go have some fun in a pool closer to the ground. TA-TA
Hi Tadjiki's. We have been really enjoying keeping up with your journey. Ella is so beautiful and all the kids look so happy. What an amazing thing for all your kids to experience. Can't wait to meet Ella in a few weeks. Wish we could be at the airport...
Have a safe trip back.
Love you all lots,
The Hart's
Hello ~ I love the pictures! Looks like the kiddos are having a good time... I've been enjoying following your journey. We continue to pray for good health for everyone and that you all bond with Ella!
Hello Stephanie and Family,
I check for news of you and baby Ella every day. Congratulations! I can picture your adventures on Shamian island and am so glad you get to enjoy this wonderful family moment together. I can also picture the challenge of hotel room living and hope that you are all feeling patient and rested. Buy lots of shoes! Love, Barbara
Wow Tadjiki's! We are so happy for you and your new addition, Ella. What a beautiful little girl!!
Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us and we can't wait to see you again!
God bless and safe travels,
Knox Family
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