We are in China! Here are some photos of our journey.
Robert insisted that I include the photo of the scary cat picture that is on the wall in the Redmond airport. He thinks you all should petition that the picture be replaced with something a little nicer ... maybe a scroll or something.
Thanks to those of you who have been praying for us, especially for Jasper's and my health. Jasper had two pretty bad stomach aches in the two days before we left ... fortunately a kind nurse at COPA got us some meds for him just a few hours before we got on the plane, and actually he has been fine since we left. I was also having some stomach trouble before we left, but I did okay on the trip .... was able to help with the kids and also get plenty of sleep, and managed to eat some.
We got to LA 40 minutes ahead of schedule .... it is always nice not to be in the air as long as you had planned to! We met up with Kellie and Connie, zero problems there, and we have really been enjoying catching up with them and getting to know Connie as a young woman now instead of the nine year old she was the last time we saw her. Both Kellie and Connie have been wonderful travel companions .... so great with the kids, and very easy going and fun.
We arrived in Guangzhou this morning at 6 am. Absolutely zero problems with luggage and customs, yay! Got to our hotel, and those of you who know Robert well will be surprised to hear (big sarcasm here) that he got us a GREAT deal on our hotel rooms. The Tadjikis are staying in a very large suite with a separate bedroom and also a special section for the crib. The room even comes with a nice computer. Also the bed is soft, which is a much bigger deal than you might think. The Chinese like to sleep on boards.
We just had lunch with the one other family in our small "travel group." Funny enough, we ate Thai food. They are a couple named Molly and Joe, from Kansas, adopting their first daughter. Their two boys are with family in New York State. They are super nice and also useful, since Molly once lived in China for three years and has some Mandarin! :-)
Tomorrow at 2 pm our time we go get our daughter. Molly and Joe are also getting a little girl with a repaired cleft lip, about the same age as Xiao Feng. Please pray that everything goes smoothly for both families.
Much love to all of you, and much thankfulness to our Lord for his smoothing the way for us!
What wonderful news!! I am so glad that everyone made it to China safe and sound and healthy.Thanks Robert for your e-mail. All is well here. We are all awaiting for the great news tomorrow after 2 pm your time. When is that our time? My love to everyone, especially Kellie & Connie. Mom/Karin/Grandma Karin
So glad you all made it to China safe and sound. I'll continue to pray for everyone's health. Thank God Jasper is doing great! Blessings to you and can't wait to hear more about when you get your daughter... TODAY!
Pam Askew
Yahoo! You made it and you have met your daughter by now! Congratulations! Who won the pig throwing competition? missing, loving and praying for you all
We are excited for you all and will continue to pray for a blessed time and safety!
Love from the Shaws
It's great to hear that all has gone smoothly so far. We'll keep praying,and we'll check tomorrow for her name!
This blog stuff is challenging me
-- it's my fifth try!!
Can hardly wait to hear details of your first meeting. Hope your day was all you'd dreamed of.
FYI, I was awakened suddenly on Sunday morning at 2 am with a strong nudge to pray for the Tadjiki's. I figure it was about 5 pm your time (Sunday). Was anything specific going on at that time?!
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