Saturday, May 12, 2007

Continuing the blind posting ....

Here are some photos. Ella had her official medical examination so that she could be released to leave China. Some children who are being adopted go to this exam and everyone discovers for the first time that the child has a special need that was previously unknown, like deafness. Then sometimes the Chinese govt will not want you to adopt the child or maybe they will give you the option of taking another child (I know, it sounds awful if you aren't familiar with all of this). We happened to get there a bit late, Friday at 430 when they are trying to close and go home for the weekend, so her exam was a bit rushed. We did not mind at all.

The photo of myself, Ella and the doctor is funny for Robert and I because this was the same doctor who examined Maya three years ago. Robert got really upset with him because it was very hot in the clinic, and Maya was tired and crying a lot, and there were people everywhere waiting in line, and when the doctor tried to listen to her chest he couldn't because she was screaming. Finally he told me I needed to make her be quiet right now ... I was outraged because I hardly knew this child and had no idea how to make her be quiet! Robert got all protective and angry, and it was all he could do to keep it together and not antagonize this guy. With Ella's exam, he was perfectly nice, by the way.

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Where In The World ...?

Where In The World ...?
Guangzhou is near Hong Kong, bottom right corner. Dianbai is just below the "M" in Macau (which is south of Guangzhou).